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This exposition pays tribute to the human brain. It is the science of the brain that will bring us the most important discoveries of the 21st century. These discoveries will have a deep impact on our consciousness and our minds and will transform our lives. The more we understand the workings of the brain the more we admire it. We learn to apply the principles of the brain and to built them upon across different fields of human endeavor, from specific technologies to societal changes.
You may wonder why the brain is the centerpiece of the exposition:
The brain teaches us an important lesson: billions of nerve cells, as peculiar as they are, come together to build the mind, which is sustainable, mobile, and presents us with endless opportunities. Nature can do it, and so can we. Hence the "Mechanics of Wonder," a call for human cooperation for the sake of our common future.
The brain and the mind:
— The brain is an organ and a very complicated one. It’s also very beautiful — just have a look. The mind is our ability to think and comprehend the world.
— Our mind is immensely complicated. Still, there are some skills and properties of the mind, common to all of us, that are particularly fascinating.
— We call them the ‘5 minds', the five most important aspects of human cognition. They are the learning mind, the creative mind, the emotional mind, the social mind, and the cultural mind.
The social mind:
— We're very social. So much social, in fact, that we experience prolonged solitude as pain. The same parts of the brain process both pain and loneliness. (it was proven in actual experiments!)
And it’s not even the whole story. Because the very architecture of brain connections is similar to the structure of human social interactions.
As neurons make up networks and hypernetworks of our knowledge, people make networks of communities. Our common knowledge — the progress of the humanity — increases much like our individual knowledge. That is why we’re supposed to communicate more, cooperate more, and never stop exchanging ideas.
So this beautiful oversized brain reminds us of the need for cooperation.
The exhibits gallery and the infographics: after the show, we invite you to the gallery.
In the gallery there are installations that can be divided into two groups.
The first one supports the content of the main multimedia performance. These are the installations "6 Degrees of separation", "Tag of words" about the connection of neural networks and "The Rabbit Hole", where you can see the world as if through the eyes of 5 different animals, located among extremely scaled brain neurons metaphorically depicting a forest. Have a look inside the hollows for a series of short videos on how the human brain is constructed.
The installations of the second group represent Russian technology corporations that are using different applied versions of artificial intelligence in their projects. Here are the installations of the companies Rosatom, Rostec, Russia Creates, the USM holding and the installation devoted to Moscow being nominated as a candidate city for helding Expo 2030.
The core message
— Humanity progresses at a fantastic speed. And further progress cannot be grounded in a single idea or invention anymore. Nor can it rely on the lone genius working out of the garage. The world is just too complex for that. No person can invent a vaccine or build a space station singlehandedly.
We have to join our minds to move forward. It is a very simple and at the same time very bright idea.
— In Russia, there are about 200 ethnic groups and 140 million people. We are used to exchanging ideas and we are ready to collaborate with anybody for the sake of our common future. Let’s continue to cooperate and exchange ideas.
Any decent future for humanity can be summed up by just one word: COOPERATION